I'm just a sinner, saved by God's AMAZING grace, with one desire: for my life to be poured out as a servant to Christ, in order to bring glory to God. (It's ONLY by the grace of God that I am who I am. 1 Corinthians 15:10)

God has given me the great joy of spreading His Word around the world through ScriptureNow Ministry, for over 20 years, and even though I have a BA in Psychology and I'm trained in Biblical Counseling through the AACC . . . it is truly God who has qualified me, through my daily surrender, as I walk intimately with Him…one day at a time.

In the most amazing journey of my life, God has seen fit to make me an International Bestselling Christian author.

“He Whispers Your Name” surpassed New York Times Bestseller numbers in 2024 and continues to bring Hope into countless lives. Truly, God still does miracles.

In the words of Charles Spurgeon, "My books are my tools."—the tools that God has seen fit to take my pain and use it for His gain. All the glory goes to Him.

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